Its that time again.... Finals Week

We all have them, hate them, and dread them but here are things to help!

Tips to Ace Your Finals
1. Make flashcards
2. Start early not the night before
3. Get plenty of rest
4. Eat a good meal
5. Take a break and listen to music or go for a run
6. If you are really really stressed and can't take a break... most likely you can 
    and need to but get a stress ball or play dough.
7. Realize that a number or letter does not define you!
       kept that mind if you are really struggling that C's get degrees
8. Go back and rewrite notes by hand
9. Drink some form of caffeine (coffee, tea, or coke)
10.Hang with friends for a little bit because social interaction is important, and
     most likely you will not see some of these people for three months.
11. Make a to do list of everything you need to do
12. Make a studying schedule and plan out breaks
13. NEVER neglect to spend time in The Word.

Top Things Needed for Finals Week
1. Caffeine  aka coffe ;)
2. Flashcards
3. Sticky Notes
4. Highlighters
5. Headphones
6. Healthy snacks
7. Cozy clothes
8. A quiet spot

Also something that personally helps me, I need a little background noise I so listen to classical violin music. I need music but words distract me so it is perfect.

Hope this helps ;) Have a great finals week and I hope you do well!


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