Teaching and What it Means to Me

                 "Education is the most powerful weapon which you an use to change the world." 
                                                                                                        - Nelson Mandela

Teaching is so important because without teachers no one would be educated. For me teaching is just a passion of mine! One of my biggest pet peeves is people who look down on education majors or say that's an easy major. Please don't say that because its not easy because we will teaching the next generation and forming their minds, realize that's a lot of pressure.  Also please realize we do more than just color and it maybe we aren't taking upper level physics classes but the things we do can and are challenging. One of the reasons why I chose to go into education is because of the many teachers that pored into my life and changed me. I get such a joy from helping a kid and finally seeing the light bulb go off. I know it will not be all rainbows and unicorns. It is going to a hard and a difficult job and sometimes it is going to completely wear me out but I know the outcome is so worth it. I want to encourage a student and change their lives like my teachers did for me and hopefully make someone want to become a teacher. I know teachers aren't payed well and sometimes not really seen as important even though they are. None of that matters when you realize what you are really doing and how amazing that is.

I facilitate Thinking
I engage minds
I listen to questions
I encourage risk
I support Struggle
I Cultivate Dreams
I learn everyday
I Teach


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