A New Year, a New Resoultion

Goals of 2015
* Lose weight (25ish) Lost 10
* Learn to cook
* Learn to drink coffee with just cream
*Do more photography/graphics
* Be more organized 
* Make a 4.0 for a semester (2 Semesters!)
*Wear contacts 2x a week
* Better about quiet time
* Have a better relationship w/the lord
* Pick the violin back up
* Read all books on list 11 out of 28

2015 Book List
  1. At First Sight
  2. Man Who was Thursday
  3. Mere Christianity
  4. Redeeming Love
  5. Insurgent 
  6. Alliengce
  7. Unbroken
  8. Screwtape Letters
  9. The Four Loves
  10. Problem of Pain
  11. A Grief Observed 
  12. Surprised by Joy
  13. Captivation
  14. Dawn
  15. Day
  16. The Dead Don’t Dance
  17. When Crickets Cry
  18. Maggie
  19. Chasing Fireflies
  20. Wrapped in Rain
  21. Where the River Ends
  22. Mountain Between Us
  23. Thunder and Rain
  24. Teaching to Change Lives 
  25. A Life Intercepted
  26. The Great Divorce
  27. Alan Turning the Enigma 
  28. Water From the Heart
News Resolutions for 2016
* Eat only one dessert a week
* Wear my contacts more
* Lose 30 pounds
* Work out at least once a week
* Be a more faithful friend
* Read all the books on my list
* Be more faithful in doing my bible study
* Don't stress out as much
* Do an act of kindness each week
* Try one new thing a month
* Have a standing friend night once a week
* Decrease the amount of cokes I drink

Books for 2016

  1. The Great Divorce
  2. Alan Turning the Enigma 
  3. Where the River Ends
  4. Mountain Between Us
  5. Thunder and Rain
  6. Teaching to Change Lives 
  7. Screwtape Letters
  8. The Four Loves
  9. Problem of Pain
  10. A Grief Observed 
  11. Surprised by Joy
  12. Captivation
  13. Dawn
  14. Day
  15. Man Who was Thursday
  16. Mere Christianity
  17. Redeeming Love
  18. 12 Extraordinary Women
If you have any suggestions for books or resolutions I would love to hear them!


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