Finals Week, O Finals Week

As some start finals others finish and reflect. I am blessed to be able to reflect,but I thought I would offer some advice, since I made it through finals week 3 separate times.  I also decided to start off with a little bit of humor, since I know you all need it.

On the 2nd week of Christmas my professors gave to me
5 cumulative finals
4 long nights in the library
3 cups of coffee daily
2 mental breakdowns
1 fire alarm wake up call
I saw this on Pinterest and adapted it to share my experience of finals this year.

Now on to the tips for finals....
1. GET SLEEP!!! You will not do well if you pull an all-nighter. It is better to stay up studying till 1AM and then get up at 5AM if you have to. It is recommended that you get at least 6 hours of sleep before a final. 
2. Make flashcards and keep them on you at all times. You never know when you will have a break. I used Quizlet this semester since I had so many terms.If you use Quizlet, you can always access your cards with the app on your phone. 
3. Have large amounts of coffee or coke on hand
4. Do not forget to take break whether to eat or shower
5. Sometimes you just have to cry and let it out, that's fine
6. But sometimes you just need to stop and walk away. Take a music dance break or go take a shower some way you know that will calm you down.
7. Do NOT disregard your friends; yall are both going through finals and sometimes they are exactly what you need. Plus you will also be leaving most of them for a month as you return home.
8. Eat a good breakfast before your final or you will regret it.
9.  Set multiple alarms so that you will wake up and miss not your 8AM final.
10. Keep a supply of Advil, chocolate, sticky notes, and highlighters with you always
11. Make a study schedule and study a little bit every day for all of your finals even if one is not until later in the week.
12.If you know you can not study in your room DON'T even try, if you can not study in a coffee shop DON'T! Find a place you can study and would not be distracted and go there.
13. Turn off phone, social media, and lock Netflix if you have to if you know it will be a temptation.
Here is a link to a website that will block whatever sites you want for a certain amount of time.
14. Create a study play list before you start studying so you don't have to miss with your music. I personally listen to violin music while I study, and through in a couple Christmas songs to help you if you are struggling.
15. Do not forget to have time for your quiet time during your day.
16. Change up your surroundings if its nice outside go study outside briefly or just to a different chair.

Personally a couple things that got me through finals
1. Ghirardelli Chocolate
2. Coffee
3. Really long showers
4. Christmas music
5. Aromatherapy stress candle from Bath and Body
6. Dinner breaks with my friend, which included lots of laughter!
7. Love and support from family, friends, and Christ.
8. Studying outside with a cozy blanket and cup of coffee while admiring my christmas lights


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